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This bundle has everything you need to run your own Dialogue Experiments. Package includes the Tiny Book of Dialogue and Debriefing Cards in color as well as black & white.



Make your own tiny book on dialogue with this digital download. 20 little pages that can bring you big conversations. We got bored waiting for the publisher to finish our big book on Stimulating Conversation, so we made what is probably the smallest book on dialogue in the world — so you can practice having big group conversations. Download it on our site, and make tiny books for your friends.



We brought thousands of people together to experiment with dialogue. After each exercise, we asked participants what helped or hindered their discussion. After thousands of conversations, we saw patterns emerging. Our book collects the insights and shows how you can apply them. We think conversations need to stay personal — we do not prescribe any generic formulas. The tiny book lays out the process:

1. QUESTION. Find a question and invite a group to discuss it.
2. EXPERIMENT. Set the intention, ground rules and talk together.
3. DEBRIEF. Wrap up and reflect on the quality of conversation.
4. SHARE. Let the group summarize the feedback and share it.



Use with your workshop participants, towards the end of your Dialogue Experiment. After each Dialogue Experiment, ask yourself and others these questions:

• TAKE AWAY: What idea, concept of action do you want to form this conversation?

• What has HELPED us be in conversation?

• What HINDERED, diminished, or blocked our conversation?

• What INSIGHTS have we had about stimulating conversation?

Dialogue Experiment Bundle (Tiny Book of Dialogue & Debrief Cards in color & B/W


    © 2021, Jeffer London  |  Photos from recent events  |  Illustrations by Evelyne Daoût

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